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We’ll pay better than market value for your used car! Click here to sell us your vehicle.

We’ll pay better than market value for your used car! Click here to sell us your vehicle.

My Garage

We Want Your Vehicle

How It Works

1) Start your free appraisal online by completing the form below
2) We will follow up within 1 business day to book an appointment
3) We complete an in-person appraisal to confirm your market valuation and selling price
4) Receive your cheque as soon as the next business day

Why Sell to Us?

As one of Vancouver Islands top sellers and buyers of pre-owned vehicles, we have the expertise to make selling your car a seamless and stress-free experience. With inventory shortages, we are paying more than ever for quality pre-owned vehicles and you can sell with confidence knowing you are walking away with top market value. Take your buy-in value home with a cheque in hand as early as the next business day. Or, use your trade equity to lower your payments on a new vehicle.

I Want to Sell My Vehicle

    Sell Us Your Vehicle